UX design AI, coaching support

Mentoring the Mentor in You…

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Credits: Splitting, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin | Jerome Bertrand ©2023

UX designers AI

asking why, better than never!

Blogs: UX design & AI…

Image by Jerome Bertrand © 2023 – AI prompted to DALL·E

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Watch short video on Generative AI by Henrik Kniberg

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UX design mentor Assistant – ask\wAI
(requires OpenAI Plus)

Purpose: Design Productivity

Ask anything human to a professionally curated UX design mentor – AI UX design assistant. Empower your daily UX design practice with some necessary and healthy self-irony…

…is like having a personal trainer for your UX design journey – that guides and challenges you, but also makes sure you have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.|

UnityUX Coach – ask\wAI
(OpenAI Plus)

Purpose: Team Productivity

UnityUX Coach is Empowering UX teams with masterful communication and conflict resolution strategies to enhance collaboration, streamline design processes, and foster a harmonious work environment.

UnityUX Coach is like a conductor of an orchestra, bringing together different instruments and players to create a harmonious and beautiful symphony. Just as a conductor uses their skills to guide and communicate with the musicians, the UnityUX Coach empowers and guides UX teams to work together seamlessly and create a flawless design process.|


UX designer AI – StudyBuddy

For continuous learning

Continuous learning UX design with AI is like building a prospective bridge – with each new book or study, you add another support to strengthen your understanding and reach new degrees of knowledge.

Just like a bridge connects two points, continuous learning connects your current understanding to new and innovative ideas.

And just like a bridge requires maintenance and reinforcement, continuous learning requires revisiting and re-reading previous materials to solidify your foundation and build upon it, well continuously.

UX design – StudyBuddy UX Strategy/ Jaime Levy
(OpenAI Plus)

Purpose: Continuous Education

ask\wAI – UX Book StudyBuddy guide to note taking.

Learn from Jaime Levy’s “UX strategy. How to devise innovative digital products that people want” ©2015.

Re-read UX design classics!

UX design – StudyBuddy UX Elements for the Web / JJ Garrett
(OpenAI Plus)

Purpose: Continuous Education

ask\wAI – UX Book StudyBuddy guide to note taking.

Learn from Jesse James Garrett’s “The Elements of User Experience. User-centered Design Experience for the Web” ©2003

Check and study UX design classics!

Book a call with me, a video meeting, or a new coaching session?

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k i n o k a s t . o r g - © Jerome Bertrand | Prosper Jerominus | 1993-2024


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